The Tourism sector of CAME is composed by the Argentine Federation of Associations of Travel and Tourism Enterprises (Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Empresas de Viajes y Turismo, FAEVYT), the Federation of Chambers of Tourism of the Republic of Argentina (Federación de Cámaras de Turismo de la República Argentina, FEDECATUR), PROTURISMO Foundation, the Argentine Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism Association (Asociación Argentina de Ecoturismo y Turismo Aventura, AAETAV), the Argentine Chamber of Car Rental Enterprises (Cámara Argentina de Empresas Alquiladoras de Automotores, CADEA), the Argentine Automotive Transportation Businessmen Association (Asociación Argentina de Empresarios del Transporte Automotor, AAETA), the American Foundation for the Promotion of Sustainable Development and Tourism (Fundación Americana para la Promoción del Desarrollo Sustentable y el Turismo, FUNDAMERICA), the Language Center Association (Asociación Centro de Idiomas, SEA), and the Events Association of the Republic of Argentina (Asociación de Eventos de la República Argentina).
All of these entities are represented by businesspeople and professionals of the sector, including the chambers and federations that best represent the tourism regions of Argentina, such as those from San Carlos de Bariloche, San Salvador de Jujuy, Tucumán, Misiones, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Córdoba, Neuquén, Rosario, Las Grutas, Formosa, San Juan, and Entre Ríos. Each and every one of them has an active role in this sector.
- To support the tourism sector with a strong federal spirit all across the country and search for better opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises of the sector.
- To educate society so that it can acknowledge tourism as one of the most important and dynamic economic activities in the country.
- To create a better quality of life in the community, preserving the historical, cultural and natural resources, as well as the identity and the development of towns.
Goals of the program Turismo somos todos (Tourism is every one of us)
- To promote the creation of tourist activities in shopping malls and economic federations. To defend and give value to tourism and commercial SMEs.
- To position tourism as one of the most important economic activities in the country. To create awareness in business leadership and in the community.
- To create economic reports about the revenue generated by tourist and commercial activities in all regions. To organize and participate in national and international forums, meetings, and congresses.
- To organize meetings in different places in the country to teach society about the importance of tourism, of cities and its businesses, and also its impact in the regional economic activity, with the support of all of CAME’s institutions and the public sector.
- To provide proper consultancy services and solutions for our associates, defending the interests of tourism and commercial SMEs.
- To strengthen our ties with the academic sector.
- To establish agreements with universities to develop technical assistance for developing tourist destinations and open-air shopping malls located in these destinations.
- To improve the relationship between tourism institutions (domestic tourism chambers) and the different economic sectors of society.
- To create an information and consultancy network for this sector, with strong federal roots, together with all the tourist municipalities where CAME has shopping malls, chambers, and federations.
- To create, manage and develop bills that may improve the tourist and commercial activities.
- To encourage and promote tourism projects that have an impact in society, as the project Pueblos con alma (Towns with a soul).