CAME for the Young


CAME for the Young is a business trade entity that consists of young Argentine businesspeople and entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 to 40. It gathers more than 145 chambers from all over the country and more than 16,000 young adults.

CAME for the Young is the youth wing of CAME, an entity that protects the interests of commercial, industrial, tourism, and regional economies SMEs from all across the country with a strong federal leadership.

Young CAME encourages entrepreneurship and the creation of enterprises by representing young businesspeople and promoting the use of tools that improve the business environment and favor the creation of leaders with a national identity.

Emprender events are one of the most important activities carried out by the organization. They take place in every province and their goal is to train young people on matters related to entrepreneurship.

CAME for the Young also offers specific training for the creation and management of SMEs, in-person or online, through Educational CAME (CAMEducativ@), our virtual learning platform, which is one of the pillars of CAME for the Young’s management model.

CAME for the Young also organizes business rounds, commercial missions, and SME exhibits that allow businesspeople to strengthen their connections.

With a development-oriented vision, CAME for the Young promotes the economic growth of Argentina through domestic production, employment creation, and social development.

It is an organization with a federal spirit that defends the interests of the upcoming generations of businesspeople from all over the country.


To be the federal trade entity that best represents young entrepreneurs and SMEs with social commitment, contributing to the realization of their dreams. To form upright leaders with great knowledge that can participate of the creation of private and public policies.

To promote a cultural change that generates social capital.

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